PUMA States x Solebox 10th Anniversary Pack

  • DESIGNED BY: Solebox
  • MADE ON: 11/12

I headed over to West Berlin to catch the drop myself and while I love Solebox and the crew there with great pride and admiration, I must say I was partially lead to some deep disappointment. Again, not by the store (which was decked out beautifully, subtly with a fresh snakeskin-striped window display that matched the posters they were giving out), nor those that work there or run the joint (whom are always super friendly, very welcoming, and above all nothing of the superficial types you might find lurking amongst other, darker corners of the sneaker game), and especially not by the dropped goods themselves (all three colorways burned brightly behind Solebox’s single glass window).

No, I was brought down to disgust and frustration by those that frequent the streets of this area. People were jammin’ by, buzzin’ up to us waiting in line, and asking what was droppin’, how much were they, if they’d sell, and on, and on. The good thing is that over the years (ten of them, to be precise) Solebox has built a name for themselves and had the privilege and the honor to work with big brands and make some large strides in their own design feats that have inevitably got the good of us going giggity. The bad thing is that the hype-beasts and resellers have noticed along the way.

Now let’s be fair. This is the sneaker game, and we certainly aren’t elitists over here at eatmoreshoes by any means, nor are we haters of the game or those that play it either. It’s simply that I don’t believe such a movement, that part of the sneaker world, is what Hikmet and Sükret are about at all; not knowing a single thing about a pair and simply pickin’ ‘em up for the potential flip they might provide. Before I get supremely clobbered by those a bit wiser than the rest, let me state that I am fully aware of Solebox’s beginnings in reselling – Hikmet himself started up his sneaker shop by being an avid reseller – but the spirit or the soul of the seller is what counts, and in this area these brothers shine and shimmer. Had anyone attended Solemart Berlin 2013 and glanced at their goods (some DS Mastermind Japan x adidas Hardland for example) I guarantee you would’ve been blown away by the outrageously fair prices.

Those brothers, their business, and this pack all represent the same thing: the true heart of the sneaker game. Sure, there’s some necessary supply and demand to which brings another layer of selling past that of the stores and the brands, and this is to be expected. But coming through to Solebox for their 10th Anniversary to pick up some clean, simple, classy PUMA States for a resell? I doubt any of those buffoons made out like bandits and on the contrary I personally know that (despite the quality of the craftsmanship behind the three pairs released) many folks are having a hard time offloading unwanted pairs even at retail price.

The point I’m trying to make is that in end it’s about the shoes. And even with reselling as a past Hikmet and Sükret never forgot that, because if they had, they would’ve made this pack way more ‘crazy’ and hyped it up to the moon. But they didn’t. They kept it cool and calm, just like the PUMA States should be. Relaxed. Humble. And definitely free of hype-beasts on their handy’s outside ringing up potential buyers before they’ve even seen the pairs they’re about to purchase. Kudos to you Solebox, for continually keeping it about the sneakers, whether or not they’re gonna fetch a fat buck after the fact.

written by Dylan Cromwell

photography by errol

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PUMA States x Solebox theLIST PUMA States x Solebox theLIST PUMA States x Solebox theLIST PUMA States x Solebox theLIST PUMA States x Solebox theLIST PUMA States x Solebox theLIST